Snapshots for medium voice and piano by Lisa Neher (5379)

Snapshots for medium voice and piano by Lisa Neher
Model# 5379

Price: $15.00

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Composer: Lisa Neher (b. 1985)

Snapshots for voice & piano

Texts from the University Daily Kansan, used by permission

Length: 6 minutes

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Vocal Range:

Medium Key: B-flat3-G5

The texts for this cycle were found in the University Daily Kansan newspaper’s “Free-For-All” section, in which readers anonymously submit short impressions of their day. Amid the rather ordinary rants about exams and raves about the local bar scene were these seven “snapshots” of life, which seemed to naturally leap from words to music. They are designed to go together as a cycle or to be used as memorable encore pieces. Each song in this set is dedicated to one of my mother's seven brothers. They are my advisers and my playmates, my teachers and my friends. And they can always make me laugh.

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