Title: Korean Art Songs:
An Anthology and Guide for Performance and Study
Volume 2
Compiled and Edited by:
Moon-Sook Park
You-Seong Kim
"This new Korean Art Song Anthology is sure to be a most welcome addition to anyone's--teacher's, student's, or coach's--library, as it opens in a clear and vibrant way this wonderful song literature from the Korean nation and the Korean spirit. The essays on lyric Korean diction and the history of Korean Art Song are invaluable additions to our knowledge and our collections. Bravo to everyone concerned--a beautiful book, handsomely conceived and executed!"
Warren Jones
"This two-volume collection is an unprecedented and welcome addition to the growing collection of nonstandard art song anthologies."
for complete review by Kathleen Roland-Silverstein
Journal of Singing, January/February 2018
Volume 74, No. 3, pp. 359-361
Copyright (c) 2018
National Association of Teachers of Singing
Classical Vocal Reprints
Copyright (c) 2017 Classical Vocal Reprints
Korean Art Song - Korean Art Songs
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