Kaija Saariaho's final opera, Innocence, was premiered at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence in 2021 in a production directed by Simon Stone. Set at a wedding, the drama centres around the repercussions of a school shooting that took place ten years earlier. The Original Finnish Libretto was written by Sofi Oksanan, from which the opera's Multilingual Libretto was created by Aleksi Barrière. In this edition, the Multilingual Libretto is presented alongside an English translation by Aleksi Barrière and includes the cast list, full synopsis and notes on the presentation of surtitles.
DetailsPublisher: Chester Music
Publisher Code: CH87362-02
Credits: Kaija Saariaho
Medium: Softcover
Pages: 40
Length: .00 in.
Width: .00 in.
Series: Misc
ISBN: 8350117834
Voicing: Libretto
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