Composer: Martin Hennessy (b. 1953)
Title: Four Ben Jonson Songs
Voice Type: HIGH Voice and Piano
Poetry: Ben Jonson
Subtitle: Two songs of seduction, a hymn and a dirge
- Hymn to Diana
- Come, my Celia
- Echo’s Song
- Kiss me, sweet
Duration 15 minutes. Excellent as a group but extractable on their own, this cycle won Grand Prize in 2005 at the San Francisco Song Festival. Come, my Celia and Kiss me, sweet are two songs of seduction, the former taken directly from Jonson’s comedy, Volpone, and the latter, as well, but extended in a later book of poetry. Echo’s Song was written in NYC in the week following 9/11 and is dedicated “to those who mourn.”
''Echo's Song," famous in a setting by Dowland, was his particularly personal and poignant response to Sept. 11.” --Boston Globe
Maisie Light Publishing (ASCAP)
Selling Agent:
Classical Vocal Reprints
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