150 Rounds for Singing and Teaching (HL-48007805)

150 Rounds for Singing and Teaching
Model# HL-48007805
UPC 073999134414

Price: $19.99

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This flexible collection offers a wealth of excellent material for singing in rounds. All of the standard rounds are represented, including many by master composers. There are separate listings of rounds with sacred texts, rounds with secular texts, rounds about animals and bells, Christmas rounds, rounds in foreign languages, lullabies, and many more.

Publisher: Boosey & Hawkes
Publisher Code: M051808601
Publication Date: 06/2004
Credits: (Edward Bolkavec, Judith Johnson)
Pages: 104
Length: 10.50 in.
Width: 6.75 in.
Series: BH Kodaly
Format: Songbook
ISBN: 1458411427
Voicing: Collection

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