15 Easy Christmas Carol Arrangements - High Voice (for the Progressing (HL-00000459)

15 Easy Christmas Carol Arrangements - High Voice (for the Progressing
Model# HL-00000459
UPC 884088085001

Price: $16.99

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Fresh arrangements for first and second year voice students, with intermediate level piano parts. Beyond educational use, it goes without saying that carols make excellent church solos. Songs include: Away in a Manger • Coventry Carol • The First Noel • Infant Holy, Infant Lowly • Joseph, Dearest Joseph Mine • O Come, O Come Emmanuel • Silent Night • Sussex Carol • 7 more. Includes access to recordings of piano accompaniments, accessed online for download or streaming.

Publisher: Hal Leonard
Publication Date: 06/2006
Credits: (ed. Richard Walters with a preface by Joan Frey Boytim) Book/Online Audio
Medium: Softcover Audio Online
Pages: 56
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: Vocal Collection
Format: High Voice
ISBN: 1423413369

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